COPD-X Handbook Conflicts of Interests

Correct at June 2024

COPD-X Handbook Working Group

The COPD-X Handbook Working Group  was responsible for a major upgrade of the COPD-X Handbook, which had not been updated since the 2018 resource (then called the COPD-X Concise Guide). The multidisciplinary working group was convened from 2023 to 2024.

All below-named members of the COPD-X Handbook Working Group were required to lodge declarations of potential conflicts of interest with Lung Foundation Australia. Such disclosures include the receipt of unrestricted educational grants, sponsorship, consultancy or other affiliations with the pharmaceutical, medical equipment or diagnostic industries.

Each committee member held a volunteer role in the COPD-X Handbook Working Group for Lung Foundation Australia (, a not-for-profit public benevolent institution.

Committee Member

Conflict of interest declaration



Professor Ian Yang, MBBS(Hons), PhD, FRACP, Grad Dip Clin Epid, FAPSR, FThorSoc, Thoracic Physician, The Prince Charles Hospital and The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD (Co-Chair)

Employee of The Prince Charles Hospital (Metro North Health, Queensland Health) and The University of Queensland

Project grants and fellowships, paid to his institutions, from the following sources:

  • National Health and Medical Research (NHMRC)
  • Metro North Hospital and Health Service
  • The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation
  • Faculty of Medicine, The University of Queensland

Editorial Board member of Respirology, Annals of the American Thoracic Society, Respiratory Medicine Today, Journal of Thoracic Disease and Cochrane Collaboration

Volunteer role in Lung Foundation Australia’s COPD Clinical Advisory Committee

He declares that he has not received consultancy fees or honoraria from pharmaceutical companies and has not acted as a member of advisory boards for pharmaceutical companies


Associate Professor Eli Dabscheck, MBBS, M Clin Epi, FRACP, Respiratory and Sleep Physician, Department of Respiratory Medicine, The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC (Co-Chair)


No conflicts to declare


Dr Kerry Hancock (OAM), BMBS, FRACGP(Hons), General Practitioner, Adelaide, SA and Chair of RACGP Specific Interests Respiratory Medicine


Honoraria for presentations, consultancies and / or conference fee support from Chiesi, GlaxoSmithKline, HealthEd, DVA, Inside Practice, Optimum Patient Care Australia and IPCRG.

Fees from Dept Health and Aged Care for consultancies

Chair RACGP Respiratory Medicine Specific Interest Group

Education Coordinator Spirometry Learning Australia



Associate Professor Johnson George, BPharm, MPharm, PhD, Grad Cert Higher Education, Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC

Senior Lecturer at Monash University, who is his primary employer

Research funding from Pfizer and Boehringer Ingelheim via an investigator‐initiated research grant

Investigator‐sponsored grant funding and consultation fee from GSK for unrelated research, paid to his primary employer (Monash University)

In‐kind support from Vitalograph®, the manufacturers of COPD‐6TM, for research

He has received no personal payments from these organisations


Dr Renae McNamara, PhD, BAppSc(Phty), Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, NSW


No conflicts to declare


Professor Christine F McDonald, AM, FAHMS, MBBS(Hons), PhD, FRACP, FThorSoc, Director, Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine, The Austin Hospital, Melbourne, VIC


No conflicts to delcare


Professor Vanessa McDonald, DipHlthScien (Nurs), BNurs, PhD, FThorSoc, Professor of Chronic Disease and Academic Clinical Nurse Consultant, The University of Newcastle and John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, NSW


Consultancy fees from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) related to a Treatable Traits Steering Committee.

Speaker and advisory board fees from GSK, Astra Zeneca, Menarini and Boehringer Ingelheim.


Professor Brian Smith, MBBS, Dip Clin Ep & Biostats, PhD, FRACP, Staff Specialist, Bendigo Hospital, Bendigo, VIC


No conflicts to declare


Professor Nick Zwar, MBBS, MPH, PhD, FRACGP, Executive Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University, Gold Coast, QLD


Board Member, Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service

Executive Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University

Chair, Guidelines Group, National Asthma Council